Intergroup has a policy of supporting the formation of new local S.L.A.A. groups in the Sacramento valley and Foothills region. Intergroup will sponsor the cost of providing S.L.A.A. meeting materials and one book, as well as providing contacts and mentoring for those starting a meeting. For information on how to start a group, please visit the S.L.A.A. Fellowship Wide Services website.

Additionally, the following resources are intended to help with the facilitation of an S.L.A.A. group.

Meeting Schedule

NOTE: Due to COVID-19, meeting times and locations may change at a moment’s notice. Please confirm details with the meeting contact prior to attending. Print Meeting Schedule

Recommended Reading

Intergroup Bylaws

The Twelve Steps of S.L.A.A.

The Twelve Traditions of S.L.A.A.

The S.L.A.A. Preamble

Characteristics of Sex Love Addiction

The 40 Questions of S.L.A.A.

Signs of Recovery

Guidelines for Dealing with Media

Service Position Descriptions

The sample service position descriptions below may be adopted in whole or in part according to each group’s conscience.

Intergroup Representative

Literature Order Form

Click a form format below, and download it to your device.

The spreadsheet will auto-calculate the total for you. Download the file to your local computer, and open it with Microsoft Excel. Once you have completed the form in Excel, save it and email to

Literature Order Form (Excel)