How much does it cost to attend meetings?
There are no dues or fees for S.L.A.A. membership, according to Tradition 7. Typically, an offering basket is passed for voluntary contributions at meetings. During the Pandemic, please send 7th Tradition through PayPay: 

Do I have to speak at a meeting?
No, you don’t have to share anything unless you want to. You may be asked your first name, just to identify yourself as a newcomer.

I don’t believe in God. Can I still go to meetings?
You are not required to believe in God to attend meetings. The program is spiritual in nature and includes the belief in a Higher Power, but it is not affiliated with any religion, sect, or denomination. Your concept of a Higher Power can be whatever you want it to be. Some use the group itself as something more powerful than themselves.

What if there are no meetings near me?
There are online and telephone meetings available. Please visit the S.L.A.A. Fellowship Wide Services website to learn more.
The above questions were excerpted from the S.L.A.A. Frequently Asked Questions. Reprinted with permission, as registered group#_____, by The Augustine Fellowship, Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, Fellowship-Wide Services, Inc.